Saturday, June 6, 2015

Curve Ball

I really need to stop letting so much time go by before I write again. It's always such a therapeutic hobby for me.


Most of you have probably seen Bruce Jenner (or Caitlyn Jenner, however you wish to refer to him/her) on the cover of Vanity Fair. If you haven't, come out from your shell... just kidding. But, it has literally covered my Facebook and Instagram since it came out. 

(Side note: For the sake of respect for Bruce/Caitlyn, I'm going to use female pronouns to refer to her in this post.)

People have different opinions when it comes to the transgender lifestyle. I honestly don't really know how I even personally feel about it. Part of me accepts it, and the other part of me is really confused by it. If my parent revealed to me that they have never been content in their own skin and have always yearned to identify as the opposite sex it would really confuse me. But, it would also break my heart to know they have lived so many years secretly unhappy.

So, I'm pretty much torn on the whole thing.

The other thing that has covered my Facebook/Instagram all week has been the jokes of her.  Unfortunately, the majority of those jokes have come from "Christians". And, I really just don't understand...why spread so much hate for those who are different from us? This can honestly be spread across the board: different races, male vs. female, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender. There has been a vast amount of hatred for so many "categories" of people that it's sickening. Answer this: how do you personally benefit from making fun of someone who chooses to live differently than you? I understand not agreeing with them - everyone is entitled to that. I get it. But, to go out of your way to tear someone down because you don't like how they're living - that, I don't get.  

What most Christians are misunderstanding is this: God loves Caitlyn Jenner just as much as he loves you and me. *Shocking, I know*

Now is the perfect time for the church to turn things around and show the world how hard we can show love. Love for others who fall into every category we can think of. It's hard - believe me, I'm yelling this to myself as I type this. But, try to see the good in others before picking out the bad. Basically: take the stones out of your pockets, folks.

Bruce Jenner through a curve ball into society and became Caitlyn Jenner. And, that scares the hell out of a lot of people. But, let's not resort to bullying someone for being different from what we know and are comfortable with.

Instead, love them. Pray for them. Show the world that the church can rally around anyone - any race, any sexual preference, any culture, any religious belief, and truly....

with open arms, with acceptance, with kindness and warmth.... love them the way Christ would.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 
1 John 4:7-8