
I figured I would add a separate page to my blog for my readers to get to know me more. So, here it goes.

1. Where are you from? 

I grew up in Temple, GA, but when someone asks where "home" is we say Carrollton, GA. 

2. What made you decide to start a blog? 

I really enjoy writing. And, to be honest... my hand hurts after writing in a journal, so this blog is sort of like my public journal. I intend to expose my blog more in the coming months.

3. How did you and your husband meet? 

I can't say the exact date that we met, or even where it was. It was through mutual friends, Nick & Ronda Ivey. But, I unfortunately cannot say that sparks flew the first time we saw each other, because I cannot even remember where we first said hello. It was most likely at the Ivey household. Who knows. Anyway, back to the point: Back in 2009 I had just ended a relationship and he was on the verge of getting out of his as well. This is about the time we met. He was probably 22 when we met, and I was 18. I thought he was really cute, and Ronda tried to convince him to give me the time of day, but he wasn't interested. Looking back, I'm glad he didn't. The relationships we had just gotten out of needed time to heal. Then, July 2010 rolls around and I'm hanging out with a friend of his (whom I didn't even know he was friends with at the time). She says, "Hey! You know Patty's nephew, Kyle don't you?" I gave her this blank stare and was so confused as to who "Kyle" was. It finally hit me and I said, "OH yeah!" I proceeded to tell her that I had a little crush on him for a while, but I had not talked to him in over a year. She told me that I should text him because he was still single. I was single, so, she gave me his number and I text him, "Hey stranger... it's Rachel." Come to find out, the little booger had already had my number stored in his phone for when he worked up the nerve to actually use it! I had gone to his aunt Patty's hair salon months before for an appointment and she mentioned that he was single and needed a good girl. I told her that Ronda (also a client of hers at the time) had already tried to set us up, but he wasn't interested. But, she insisted. So, I gave her my number to give to him. I did this on two separate occasions, might I add. And, it still took me texting him to get his attention. What can I say? I'm a go-getter.

4. When did your husband join the Marines?

Kyle signed the dotted line on July 13, 2012. Friday the 13th, to be exact. Irony. He entered basic training on December 10, 2012. He graduated on March 8, 2012.

5. Did you graduate college? What is your degree?

I have an Early Childhood Education degree. I graduated December 9, 2012.

6. What are your hobbies?

This is such a bad question for me because I don't have many answers. I do enjoy reading & writing. But, what I really enjoy, is napping. Pathetic, I know. There is just something so enjoyable about that 2pm snooze that can make any bad day so much better. I'm not a cat napper. I'm a 2 hour napper. Again, I'm pathetic. I enjoy learning how to cook. Sometimes, I'm just not motivated. I do enjoy exercising. Again, I'm not always motivated. I love playing with our big dog, Drake. Love him to death.

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