Thursday, January 19, 2017

Small update & Youtube Thoughts

Hey, hey party people! It has been a super long time since I last wrote - I feel like I say that every time I begin a blog post. Seems to be a reoccurring theme.

Life is going good for Kyle and I. Nothing new to really report. We're about 10 months away from his EAS (end of active service) and we're pretty excited for what the next year has in store for us! He started taking some core classes at the community college that's about 15 minutes away from where we live in California. He plans to take summer and fall classes as well just to get ahead of the game. I'm sort of in limbo with my job - just waiting to hear back from the local school district (all my teacher friends know how that can be).

So, I've been contemplating what to do with my free time. I typically catch up on my shows on DVR, hang out with Drake, cook (A LOT, which I love), exercising (which I need to make more time for), laundry, clean the house, etc. But, none of that brings me joy, other than my Drake time...and my shows...and napping occasionally.

Ok, so a lot of that brings me joy. Whatever.

When I've done all of the above, I usually find myself on Youtube watching different channels that typically range from makeup and beauty, hair, working out, spirituality, comedy, etc. And I thought, that seems really cool to make all of these videos and have people get tips or tricks from you, or get a good laugh, and/or just positively take something away from watching you and your life. That sounds like fun!

Now, don't get me wrong - I know there is a ton of work that goes into those videos. The editing, lighting, making sure the sound is right, the background music is good, and let's not forget, the dreadful internet trolls that would light Mother Teresa up if she were alive and had her own Youtube channel. Plus, the expensive equipment needed to make these videos is outrageous.

I know making a good quality video that viewers will enjoy is easier said than done. But, I'm willing to give it a go, depending on what you guys think...?

My good friend is going to let me borrow her camera, and I've got a Macbook Pro that I can use to edit the videos, which will likely take me 20 years to figure out... but hey, that's what Youtube is for! 🤣

I've made a list of topics I thought would be a good start - a basic q&a (I'd likely put the post on Facebook and let you guys ask questions, and I'd answer them in a video), my makeup routine, how I style my hair, our every day life, and/or California living, military spouse info, spirituality, etc.

I'm not sure I'm really that interesting - we live a pretty average life in the Southern California desert, and I absolutely loath the sound of my own voice...but, I've had a few folks give me the thumbs up and tell me to go for it.

If you have any interest in watching my southern self paint my face, make my hair look half-way decent, and check out our backyard that is the Mojave Desert, then let me know! 
