Thursday, November 26, 2015


"Blessed" is a commonly used word around the holidays. Especially Thanksgiving. Many families will share one thing they're especially thankful for - and "blessed" will likely be said in the midst of giving thanks.

"I'm so blessed to have a healthy family."
"I feel blessed to have a great job."
"I'm blessed my children are such great kids."

This is a personal opinion, but the main people I see using the word "blessed" are Christians. "The Lord blessed me with _____." I'm not saying that we shouldn't use the term - or that we are using it inappropriately. But, I think we sometimes get lost in the word. I think people automatically assume that our blessings are only found in "happy" things. They're in what brings us joy and happiness.

I don't think that's entirely true.

I believe God's sole blessing is found in relationship. Notice what those 3 "I'm blessed" statements above have in common? Relationships - family, children, coworkers/friends. That is what He gives us. But, rarely are relationships easy. I don't think I have a relationship with anyone that has always been easy - that I've never had a negative feeling toward. It's human nature though - and it's an every day struggle. To love people - and learn what it means to truly love in the process.

Don't get me wrong - I am certainly blessed with a husband who provides and works hard, and loves me and all of my flaws. I'm blessed to have an incredible family in Georgia that are all so supportive and loving. I'm blessed to have fantastic friends who would do anything for me at the drop of a hat. I am undoubtedly blessed.

But, I'm also blessed with the crap - the situations and circumstances that annoy me - but end up paying off in the long run. The lessons I learn, the mistakes that I make every day. The relationships that aren't easy, the ones that try and test us. The ones that help us grow as an individual. Seems weird to feel blessed by that, doesn't it? Anything, or anyone that makes us question our love for people, that forces us out of our warm, comfortable spot on the couch, and into the broken chaos that is relationships.... Those are blessings, too.

So, leave that security every now and then. Challenge yourself to love those that aren't easy to love. In a time of fear and disorder - find peace and harmony with others. Be on the search for the good in people. It's hard. It is so, so hard. But, when you find it - man, the comfort and peace you will receive. Find that blessing from Him. The One from whom all blessings flow.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.


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