Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Our story

I wish I could say that Kyle and I have a super romantic story as to how we met and started dating but, we don't. People always ask me how we met, and I typically say, "mutual friends." However, Kyle actually remembers when he first met me. I believe it was the summer before I turned 19. I was hanging out with my former youth minister, Ronda, her husband, Nick, and several of our church buddies. We met up with a handful of folks to play at the sand volleyball court in Carrollton. Kyle and I had our former girlfriend/boyfriend with us, which is probably why I don't remember meeting Kyle that specific day. He said he remembers me wearing Nike workout shorts, a t-shirt, and I had my hair in a pony tail, and he and Ronda's husband, Nick practically picked on me the entire time (shocker!). Shortly after that period in our lives, we both ended said former relationships and kind of took a break from dating altogether.

A few months had passed and I was hanging out at Ronda's house when Kyle showed up after he got off work. I remember him being in his Orkin Pest Control work attire and thinking how cute he was. He sat on the couch opposite from me and we just hung out, talked, and he picked on me some more. I think Ronda felt a flirtatious vibe happening between Kyle and I so, she immediately started trying to play matchmaker. I had a feeling she was up to something, because as soon as she would send a text, his phone would go off. I think she text Kyle and said something along the lines of, "So what do you think about Rachel?" I remember him smiling and saying, "Ohhhh, boy." He told her he still just wasn't ready for a relationship, and understandably so. Looking back, I'm glad he wasn't because, little did I know, I needed some time for myself as well.

I made a hair appointment a few weeks later with a stylist some friends had recommended. I was sitting in her chair chatting and having good conversation when she asked me if I was single. I told her that I was, and she told me she thought I would be perfect for her nephew. I asked what his name was and she said, "Kyle Marshall." I nearly fell out of the chair. I told her that I knew who he was and that Ronda (also one of her clients) had already attempted to set us up. She said, "Well, I'm going to get your number and give it to him and tell him to call you, because y'all would be adorable." So, I wrote down my number with a little smiley face to the side and handed it to Patty...

I never heard anything from him...

Fast forward to a couple of months later... I met up at one of my girlfriends' apartments and she had some friends over I had never met before. She introduced us and we got to talking about mutual people that we knew. One of the girls, Christina, asked me who cut my hair, and I told her it was Patty at Jazi Salon. She said that she had been to her before, and that she knew her nephew really well. I smiled and said, "Kyle?" She gasped and said, "You know Kyle Marshall?!" I laughed and explained how I knew him, and that Patty had tried to play matchmaker, but I had never heard from him. She said, "Oh, girl, here, I've got his number. You should just text him yourself!" I was a little hesitant, because I didn't want to seem desperate, buuuuut, I had nothing to lose, except maybe a little dignity and pride.

My text read, "Hey stranger... it's Rachel." I believe his text back said, "Hey, whats up?"

What's up?! I wanted to say. "Oh, y'know, just been waiting for you to text me for months now." But, I didn't. I explained I was hanging out with one of his friends, and that's how I got his number. We text back and forth for a bit, and through that weekend, and planned to see a movie together a few days later.

I cannot remember what movie we had planned to see, but it was sold out by the time we got to the ticket counter, so we settled for Toy Story 3 3D. Had I known that Andy would give his toys away in the end, I would have suggested something else. I had to lift those stupid 3D glasses to wipe my tears away. When the movie was over, we got out to the parking lot and I expected for Kyle to ask if I wanted to grab a bite to eat (it was like 5-6pm at this point).

NOPE. We walked together for about 10 steps and he says, "Welp...see ya later!" and makes a B line for his truck.

I'm cracking up typing this because I remember walking to my car, getting in and just sitting there in shock that this guy just dipped out that quickly. I thought, "Is it because I cried? What the heck?" So, I basically told myself not to contact him again since he didn't seem very interested in me. The next day I get a text from him and he's acting like everything is totally fine. I'm still not entirely sure why he acted so sketchy after the movie but, I think it had to do with him just being hesitant to get back into a relationship again.

That week we met up for Mexican food probably 3 times. The Lazy Donkey is a special place for us. I still remember the first table we sat at. Shortly after our occasional dinners, I brought him home to meet my mom, and she seemed to like him, though she did say he had a crappy handshake. (She would judge my potential love interests based off a firm or limp handshake.) I guess the Marine Corps taught him something because his handshake is anything but limp now.

It was pretty much all downhill from there. We officially became boyfriend and girlfriend on August 11, 2010 and we said those 3 magical words 2 weeks later. At that time, I thought everything was happening fast, but looking back now, I think we both knew sitting in the Ivey's living room that we would date at some point, but it just couldn't be now. It was such a smart decision on our part, because wounds needed to be healed before opening our hearts to a new person.

I am eternally grateful that those "mutual friends" led Kyle and I to each other. I wouldn't be the same without him, and I hope/think he would say the same about me. We compliment each other well. He balances out my impulsive and crazy antics, and I balance out his hard, tough guy exterior. We joke all the time that there is no way we could find another husband and wife to put up with us. We love, even when we want to karate kick one another in the face. And, as harsh as that sounds, it's the truth. We piss each other off a lot - it's just who we are. But, there is also no body else that would, no questions asked, lay down their life for me (besides Jesus, duh). Kyle will go to lengths to make sure I am taken care of and loved, and that's what matters most to me. Not flowers, candy, jewelry, or any other gift people buy on Valentine's Day (though, if that's your thing go for it!). I know he loves me because he shows it every single day. Whether it's doing "handyman" stuff around the house, scratching my back while we're laying on the couch, asking me to ride to Home Depot with him just so he can spend some extra time with me, or sending me chocolate covered strawberries (thanks, babe!). He makes me feel so loved and special all the time.

So, we don't need a romantic love story of how we met. It wasn't love at first sight. There weren't roses on the first date. But, there was endless laughter, security and comfort, and so much love waiting to be given. Thankful I have a forever Valentine that makes life so joyful.

Our first picture we ever took back in August 2010.

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