Tuesday, May 28, 2013

a strange realization

Each year, as Memorial Day or Veterans Day passes by, I always think about the families that those days actually apply to. When my Pawpaw was still alive, we would honor him on Veterans Day, but other than that, we never had any family or friends that had served or were serving, much less someone who had been killed serving our country.

So, as yesterday came and went, I was in constant reminder of how those holidays apply to me now. I am a spouse to a Marine. I am a military wife. 

*Let me just say, it's really weird saying that.*

I don't think the "military wife" realization has hit me quite yet. With Kyle being several states away and us not living together, I don't even feel married. I'm sure once he is stationed and I am with him, experiencing military life daily, that feeling will change. 

I'm very honored to be married to a United States Marine - one of the few and the proud. It's an honor that I never, and I mean never thought that I would have. If someone had asked me 5 years ago who I imagined spending my life with, where we would be living, what our careers would be... none of my answers would have involved the military. Quite honestly, I never thought I would marry someone like Kyle. He pushes me to become a better person. He challenges me in ways I don't like to be challenged. I still wonder why he ever gave me a chance.

Now and forevermore, I will feel a stronger connection to Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and even July 4th. The stars and stripes mean so much more to me than I ever thought they would.

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