Friday, January 24, 2014

this week.

This week went by pretty quickly, thank goodness.

Kyle had MLK day off on Monday, but still had to go into work for 2 hours for a "gear check" for this week. Which, was completely dumb, if I might add. A lot of things the Marines do are dumb... and I have no problem saying so.

I only had to work 1/2 day Monday. So, when I came home from work, Kyle was sitting in his pink saucer chair (it's really mine, he just uses it for when he plays xbox) in his underwear. I literally said to myself as I was walking up the stairs to our apartment, "I bet Kyle isn't even out of his boxers yet." He had actually been productive while I was working. He gave Drake a little hair cut and then took a shower, so he was in clean boxers.

I bet you could have gone without that little tid-bit of information, huh? You're welcome.

Anyway. We had a really good day. Then, Tuesday morning came and he gave me a sweet hug and left for 2 weeks. Or so I thought. I went to work, then went grocery shopping. Later on that afternoon I got a phone call from Kyle. I figured he would be telling me that he had made it to Quantico. Nope.

He was coming back home. *cue high pitched squeal*

Turns out, Quantico had already gotten so much snow, that they couldn't make it up there. I was so excited. So, he came home, changed clothes, then went to get us some dinner. By the time he came back home, there was about an inch of snow on the top of my car. The snow came down hard Tuesday night. Drake and I got out in it and had some fun. Wednesday morning, the family I work for text me and said they didn't want me driving in the snow, so I got the day off. Kyle got part of the morning off, kind of. He left at 9:15. But, it was still nice to hang out with him for a couple of hours.

When you're a military wife, you seriously soak up every. single. minute you get with your spouse. Especially if it's an unexpected minute, like with Kyle surprisingly coming home Tuesday night. You rarely ever get extra time. More often than not, time is taken away, not given. They leave earlier, or they come home later, etc.

This is the first weekend I'll be alone since we moved to Virginia, and it's going to be weird. I'm going to try not to get sad, because when I get sad, I stay sad. Not many people or many things can cheer me up the way Kyle can. I keep telling myself, "Stay positive, you'll see him next weekend."

I hope. That actually hasn't been confirmed yet. But, I'm crossing my fingers they will get to come home next Friday. If he doesn't, that means he only has 1 weekend home before he leaves for Cuba.


I'm sure that deployments suck... but the time leading up to the deployment really, really, really sucks.

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