Friday, August 29, 2014

Summer with the Marshall's

I haven't sat down to write anything in 5 months. A lot has happened since March. I'll sum up the last 5 months.

Kyle deployed to Cuba for 4 months on February 13th. During that time I was a nanny to precious twins. I gave me something to look forward to and it kept my mind busy. My parents visited me during a long weekend in March and that was a lot of fun! I felt like a real adult...showing them around the city of Virginia Beach and having guests in my home. I attended church every Sunday and really fell in love with the place. I truly look forward to going there each Sunday. Then, for Mother's Day I went home to Georgia - which was of course, awesome. I became really great friends with a couple of people and really began establishing friendships here in Virginia, which made time pass by a little quicker. 

Kyle returned home June 6th. It was a great reunion. I don't think I've ever been more excited in my entire life. Being reunited with your best friend after a long period of time feels amazing. Your entire body feels whole. Though I hate deployments in general, I will say that they definitely make your desire for them much stronger (physically, mentally, and emotionally).

Our summer in Virginia Beach has been relatively chill. I suppose the most exiting things we've done is gone skeet shooting twice, hung out with friends a good bit, and gone to see movies, or just have a chill movie night at home. Kyle has also done a good bit of training. There was about 3 weeks where he wasn't here during week during the month of July. Now, our weekends basically consist of going to bed early on Friday nights, maybe doing something fun on Saturday, and church Sunday. Week nights are pretty touch and go. It all depends on what time Kyle gets home at night. On a typical night, he doesn't get home until around 6, sometimes later. He eats dinner, and then ends up falling asleep on the couch. I'll have to wake him up to take a shower and go to bed. So, on average, we see each other for maybe 2 hours during the week. I feel like it's a real treat when he gets home around 4 and we get to actually see each other for 4-5 hours. 

I know this post sounds totally exhilarating and I'm sure it sounds like we have had a crappy summer. Do I wish we had more time together? Duh, what couple doesn't? But, the time we get together, no matter how little the time may be, is still great.

I constantly tell myself to think of the wives whose husbands are deployed right now who aren't getting to enjoy their summer together. So, I am very thankful for him being home. Unfortunately, deployment #2 will be occurring before the year is over with.  I can't be specific with dates, but it is right around the corner.

We will be coming home next week for about 12 days and we are SO excited to see family and friends! We have been talking about it basically since Kyle got back from Cuba.

So, to sum up this blog post....

We're basically really old grandparents who don't have lives. The end.


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