Thursday, November 26, 2015


"Blessed" is a commonly used word around the holidays. Especially Thanksgiving. Many families will share one thing they're especially thankful for - and "blessed" will likely be said in the midst of giving thanks.

"I'm so blessed to have a healthy family."
"I feel blessed to have a great job."
"I'm blessed my children are such great kids."

This is a personal opinion, but the main people I see using the word "blessed" are Christians. "The Lord blessed me with _____." I'm not saying that we shouldn't use the term - or that we are using it inappropriately. But, I think we sometimes get lost in the word. I think people automatically assume that our blessings are only found in "happy" things. They're in what brings us joy and happiness.

I don't think that's entirely true.

I believe God's sole blessing is found in relationship. Notice what those 3 "I'm blessed" statements above have in common? Relationships - family, children, coworkers/friends. That is what He gives us. But, rarely are relationships easy. I don't think I have a relationship with anyone that has always been easy - that I've never had a negative feeling toward. It's human nature though - and it's an every day struggle. To love people - and learn what it means to truly love in the process.

Don't get me wrong - I am certainly blessed with a husband who provides and works hard, and loves me and all of my flaws. I'm blessed to have an incredible family in Georgia that are all so supportive and loving. I'm blessed to have fantastic friends who would do anything for me at the drop of a hat. I am undoubtedly blessed.

But, I'm also blessed with the crap - the situations and circumstances that annoy me - but end up paying off in the long run. The lessons I learn, the mistakes that I make every day. The relationships that aren't easy, the ones that try and test us. The ones that help us grow as an individual. Seems weird to feel blessed by that, doesn't it? Anything, or anyone that makes us question our love for people, that forces us out of our warm, comfortable spot on the couch, and into the broken chaos that is relationships.... Those are blessings, too.

So, leave that security every now and then. Challenge yourself to love those that aren't easy to love. In a time of fear and disorder - find peace and harmony with others. Be on the search for the good in people. It's hard. It is so, so hard. But, when you find it - man, the comfort and peace you will receive. Find that blessing from Him. The One from whom all blessings flow.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veteran's Day

To me, every day is Veteran's Day. There isn't a moment that passes where I'm not thankful to each and every person that has signed a blank check payable to the United States of America. Their service, whether for one enlistment, or for 20+ years is commendable. To me, they are the epitome of bravery.

The men and women who have willingly volunteered for the United States Armed Services had no clue what their future held for them. They didn't know if they'd see a combat deployment, or if they'd ever see a deployment at all. But, they were willing to risk that "if" for the greater good. For their brother or sister in arms, and for the people on the home land. They knew there was a possibility they would be put in treacherous territory, but they signed anyway.

Or, maybe they were drafted - which, to me, is worse. They had no say in whether they fought or not. "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival comes to mind. John Fogerty wrote the song in his bunk one night sitting in the middle of Vietnam. He didn't want to fight. "It ain't me", he wrote. What a gritty, yet simple lyric. They weren't really fighting because they believed in or understood what they were doing. They were fighting to get back home...they were fighting so the brother next to them could also make it home. They were fighting to stay alive. They deserve just as much respect and dignity as those who volunteered.

The thing about Veteran's Day now is that it doesn't feel as honored as it once did. I feel like our country has lost a lot of respect for authority in general, and with that authority, comes our military. I'm not sure when it happened, or why it happened. Maybe parents stopped teaching their children respect? Maybe the advance of technology somehow played a part? Maybe celebrities had an influence? Or, maybe, it was a compilation of all three? Regardless of who or what is to blame, the lack of respect for our Veterans needs to end. Now. More emphasis needs to be placed on Veteran's Day - about teaching our children/teens how significant the day is and what they can do to honor it.

My husband receives thank you's from different people throughout the year. His response is typically along the lines of, "Thank you. It's an honor to serve for those who still appreciate it." For those who still appreciate it. Who wouldn't appreciate it? That is what I don't understand. Here's a thought: if it weren't for them, consider where we as a country would be. The safety, the structure, and the overall well being of the United States. I think people in general like to believe that our nation is invincible. That we're indestructible and nothing bad will ever happen. We're a naive country full of extremely entitled people. If it weren't for our Veterans and the sacrifices they have made, who knows how stable our nation would be?

I truly believe recognition is so important. Maybe the only thing standing between a suicidal Veteran is a simple, "Thank you so much for your service. It doesn't go unnoticed by me and my family."

You never, ever know what someone is battling. If there is anyone who deserves our full attention, respect, honor, and help, it's our Vets. OUR Vets. They took an oath to defend us. It's our turn to help them.

Monday, August 10, 2015

A hush-hush topic

The term "anxiety" makes people clinch up. It can be an uncomfortable topic for many. It is a mental illness/disorder. It is when your brain tells your body to freak out when there is no reason to. It is something people live with every day, and I feel like it needs to be brought to the surface a bit.

I cannot pin-point the moment I knew I was an anxious person. I think I always have been to some extent. The turning point came shortly after I began dating Kyle. It was a "something's gotta give" moment. I began taking medication and have been on it ever since.

The misconception behind anxiety (or even depression) is that we can control it, we just choose not to, or we take the easy way out with medication. I wish society understood how much of a blow that is to people with anxiety. I don't want to live this way - I don't want to take medication to ease my "condition". I have never met one person living with anxiety who enjoyed it. Anxiety and depression is not a choice.

Then there's, "But, if you have faith in the Lord and believe in the power of prayer then your anxiety will go away." Which is basically equivalent to saying, "Well, if only you had enough faith...." Having faith in God's ability to heal is obviously important - but to tell someone they shouldn't seek help, through either a counselor or medication, is the same as telling a person with a physical illness they shouldn't see a doctor. The only difference is you can see the symptoms of a person with a physical problem - mental illnesses are invisible.

I believe His word in Philippians 4 that says, 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I also believe His word in Psalms 139 that says I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I was born imperfect in a fallen world. I was born with flaws, with traits that make me who I am, be that good or bad.

The thing about Philippians 4 is that it doesn't tell those living with anxiety that we shouldn't have it - it just means to not let it consume us - don't wallow in it. Asking God to help us and accepting His peace and reassurance when it comes, is key. Any believer of Christ knows that when you pray it isn't always automatically answered. In fact, it rarely ever is. 

I have felt the guilt that comes with anxiety. Being married to a man who has the mindset of "if you can't change it, don't worry about it" is difficult. Let me note, Kyle, I am not mad at you for thinking this way. That is what makes him who he is. He is able to get past things quicker and easier than I am. He doesn't get nervous or anxious about anything. And, I love him for that. It helps balance me out. However, it can be extremely hard to explain why, when you're wrestling and he pins you down and you can't move, it leads to a mini panic attack. Or, when loud noises bother you. Don't even get me started on crowds. Try being married to a Marine - having no clue of what your future holds, their safety, the absence you go through. You spend so much time over thinking things and you become so, so overwhelmed. I say things I don't mean, and feel so remorseful later when I realize how bad it sounded. I feel ashamed for reacting a certain way to something someone says or does that is totally harmless. I want to blame it on my anxiety, but think that just sounds like a cop out for not taking responsibility for the way I reacted. So, I apologize, even though I really don't feel like I have anything to be sorry for. 

See?! Anxiety literally plays mind games. It is so hard, folks. So, so hard. 

Anxiety is so real. 

But, so is Jesus. And so is His promise that He will always be with us. That is what I cling to, today and every day. 

Praying for those who live with anxiety on a daily basis. Declaring that the peace of the Lord will reign over their anxiety and will cover them during the tough days the enemy throws at us. Praying that these people will seek help, whether it's through a counselor, medication, a supportive church family, or family and friends. Hiding behind anxiety is so unhealthy and gives the enemy even more opportunities to use it against us, but understanding your condition and trying to get on top of it, before it gets on top of you will help so much in the days to come. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Curve Ball

I really need to stop letting so much time go by before I write again. It's always such a therapeutic hobby for me.


Most of you have probably seen Bruce Jenner (or Caitlyn Jenner, however you wish to refer to him/her) on the cover of Vanity Fair. If you haven't, come out from your shell... just kidding. But, it has literally covered my Facebook and Instagram since it came out. 

(Side note: For the sake of respect for Bruce/Caitlyn, I'm going to use female pronouns to refer to her in this post.)

People have different opinions when it comes to the transgender lifestyle. I honestly don't really know how I even personally feel about it. Part of me accepts it, and the other part of me is really confused by it. If my parent revealed to me that they have never been content in their own skin and have always yearned to identify as the opposite sex it would really confuse me. But, it would also break my heart to know they have lived so many years secretly unhappy.

So, I'm pretty much torn on the whole thing.

The other thing that has covered my Facebook/Instagram all week has been the jokes of her.  Unfortunately, the majority of those jokes have come from "Christians". And, I really just don't understand...why spread so much hate for those who are different from us? This can honestly be spread across the board: different races, male vs. female, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender. There has been a vast amount of hatred for so many "categories" of people that it's sickening. Answer this: how do you personally benefit from making fun of someone who chooses to live differently than you? I understand not agreeing with them - everyone is entitled to that. I get it. But, to go out of your way to tear someone down because you don't like how they're living - that, I don't get.  

What most Christians are misunderstanding is this: God loves Caitlyn Jenner just as much as he loves you and me. *Shocking, I know*

Now is the perfect time for the church to turn things around and show the world how hard we can show love. Love for others who fall into every category we can think of. It's hard - believe me, I'm yelling this to myself as I type this. But, try to see the good in others before picking out the bad. Basically: take the stones out of your pockets, folks.

Bruce Jenner through a curve ball into society and became Caitlyn Jenner. And, that scares the hell out of a lot of people. But, let's not resort to bullying someone for being different from what we know and are comfortable with.

Instead, love them. Pray for them. Show the world that the church can rally around anyone - any race, any sexual preference, any culture, any religious belief, and truly....

with open arms, with acceptance, with kindness and warmth.... love them the way Christ would.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 
1 John 4:7-8