Saturday, August 20, 2011

I have a few things on my mind, so this will probably be a pretty random and scrambled up blog.

1. Kyle and I just saw our 1 year anniversary together: How times flies. It's been a long year as far as my personal growth goes, though. So many things changed last year, and most of them were for the better; however, it took me a long time to accept those changes. Kyle made me notice a lot of flaws about myself. Insecurity, anger, and even jealousy, which I still deny sometimes. It's amazing how much you learn about yourself once you meet that one who opens your eyes a little. Kyle is a wonderful, wonderful man; I'm very blessed to have him and to be able to call him my best friend. People have said that they wished their relationship was like ours. Well, think again. We are far from the perfect couple. We fight,  We yell, we (I) cry, we have disagreements, and we have attitudes. But that is because we are also... human. We remind ourselves daily that the Lord did not make people perfect. We are going to make mistakes and say things we may not always mean, but that is where forgiveness and acceptance comes in and soothes the wounds we leave on each other's hearts.

2. (Another "Kyle" topic). He and I were sitting in bed one night this past week watching our new favorite show (on Netflix), Flashpoint (highly recommend that to anyone who likes police/crime shows). He paused the show and said, "Oh, by the way, PT is October 24." I wasn't sure what, "PT" stood for, so I asked and he said, "Well it's actually physical agility." My eyes naturally rolled. Georgia State Patrol is what he was referring to. Ever since Kyle and I started dating he had mentioned how he wanted to be in law enforcement, which I figured was a phase that he would get over and move on to something else. Wrong. He was laid off from Orkin Pest Control August 18 (2010). Exactly one week after we made things, "official". Not the best timing, but we immediately both thought that the Lord was probably looking out for him. He got him out of the environment he was in. Since then he's worked his tail off trying to get on with the Carrollton City, College Park, East Point, Atlanta, and Douglas County police department(s). With no luck, he has become quite discouraged. So, he switched his view to GSP. They have a physical agility test in October, and then, depending on how they perform, they go to trooper school. I have heard from several that the likelihood of a GSP officer being killed in the line of duty is very rare, but, it has happened. GSP handles traffic citations, DUI, wrecks, (some) drug arrests, other than that, I'm not sure. Luckily, they do not deal with anything off road (as far as I know). I was not thrilled with the thought of it all, but I'm slowly coming around to the idea. I was really frightened about it at first because, to be honest, I do not want to be faced with that devastating phone call that some police wives receive; however, I'm having to understand that we all have a diving appointment with the Lord, and he will not check with our schedule(s) to see if it is okay with us if he takes us from Earth. I'm learning to accept that, and have faith that the Lord will take care of my family, including Kyle.

3. School. Funny, I used to love going to school in high school. I looked forward to it most days. I was good at most subjects, never really struggled, and had a pretty good social life. But now? School is a total joke now. I only look forward to it so I can get it over with, not to actually learn. And I hate that. Especially since I'm going to school to be a teacher. Kind of seems retarded, huh? I guess West Georgia just wears me down. Every semester I'm finding myself wanting/needing more sleep and relaxation and dreading the alarm sounding off each morning. I'm determined this semester, though, to make a turn around in my time management and my performance. I'm not a slacker, but I am a procrastinator. Which, you may think those are the same. But, they're not. I procrastinate my work, but I get it done and most of the time I do a great job at it. But, this semester will be different. So, if Kyle does get on with GSP it will probably a be a good thing so I can concentrate more on school than on him.

4. Animals (particularly, dogs). Told you this would be random. Kyle's female lab, Maggie, passed away two weeks ago (the 8th). We're really not entirely sure of how she died, but we do know that she had barely had any water the day before she died. Kyle and I were furious, but what can you do? A dog is dead, and she isn't coming back. So, what will playing the blame game do besides tear each other apart? I won't really get into the details of that, as it gets a little... touchy. Needless to say, Kyle was devastated and angry at the same time. Maggie was a great dog. Sweet to humans, and tough on other dogs, which I think makes the best dog. She was just 3 (we think), so her life was stolen very quickly. Kyle is a lot better now. We have been spending more time with his male lab, Drake, which puts a huge smile on his face. But, we miss Mags. There is nothing like having a dog, cat, horse, or any animal pass away suddenly, or expectedly. It sucks. It leaves a huge hole in your stomach because you're just not sure what to do next. Maggie's death has really shown me that I would much rather live with dogs than most humans. Humans are SO selfish, rude, inconsiderate, hateful, ... need I continue? He and I are still angry about everything, but... like I said, what will being angry do? After she died, Drake stayed at my house for nearly a whole week, as did Kyle. And now, when Kyle stays with me during the weekend, Drake comes along. I guess he's just being more protective over Drake, which I don't blame him one bit. I told him he never had to take him home again, that he could just stay here, but, Kyle didn't think it was necessary.

This summer has been great. I've relaxed, I've read 4 books (GO ME!), I've taken naps, I've worked some, took a summer course, laid by the pool, and just enjoyed family and Kyle time. So, all in all, I think it was a successful 3 month break. I hope everyone is adjusting back to school well. See some of you soon!

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