Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reunited & It Feels SO good!

As most of you know, today was the first day I have seen Kyle in 3 months. I've posted a lot of pictures on Instagram and Facebook but, I thought I would add a little more detail to our day for those of you who are interested. I am writing this post from my phone, so pardon any grammatical errors you may see. :)

Let me first start off by saying how peaceful and Christ-filled our ride was yesterday. Mom drove the whole way there (about a 5 1/2 hour drive). On the 157 mile stretch to the Savannah area on I-95 I started playing some contemporary Christian music. My mom and I sang together and worshiped our Lord in the car. Wake up call: church isn't the only place you can worship. I know most people relate worshiping to church- but boy, we listened to some good gospel hymns and just let lose and praised our Savior. It was awesome. Made me feel at peace about our trip and smoothed over some anxiety I had. God is good.

Now, onto today (Thursday). Our alarms were set for 4:15 a.m. We were wide awake at 3:30. 3:30, people. Holy smokes. We got ready, got breakfast at 5 and then hit the road for the 10 minute drive to Parris Island. We drove over the bridge onto the marshy island and it was such a pretty ride. Even though it was dark, we could see the beauty of the island very clearly. We were on base and out of the car by 6 a.m. and found a good spot on the side of the road to claim so we could see Kyle clearly during the motivational run, which began roughy at 7 a.m. I've never been more excited to see someone or something in my entire life. Kyle's platoon was 2nd in "line". They were all wearing their sharp looking wind suites (can a wind suit even look "sharp"?). I already knew Kyle's place in formation, so I knew he would be towards the back. I was SO scared I wouldn't see him because, well, lets face it. Kyle's not the tallest guy in the world. Standing at about 5'7", the other new Marines definitely towered over him.

BUT! Never fear, I can pick his perfect face and head out from any crowd. He said I was the first one he saw. He acknowledged us by giving a little 2-finger wave as he jogged by. They ran around a couple of buildings and then ran back in front of us again! I saw him really good that time. And then I started my bellowing (not really, but it felt like it). It was a wonderful moment. I just collapsed in my mom's arms and cried a bit. Felt good to let that out.

We then retired to our vehicles to thaw out our frozen fingers, feet, lips, ears, legs, arms, and any other body part that needed de-frosting. We sat there for about 10 minutes and then went into the All Weather Training Facility to wait out the next gruesome 2 hours. Talk about counting every second. Seesh!

They began the "Liberty Briefing" around 9:30 a.m and they finally brought the new Marines in around 9:45 and they were released to us by 10. Mom told me that she had never seen someone move so fast when I went to find Kyle. It was the best hug I've ever had. When I finally got to him I couldn't really cry. I was so caught in the moment and a little shocked that I couldn't get tears out. I could only tear up. Which I was glad- though there is no shame in crying- I didn't want to cry in front of Kyle. At least not let loose. He was very excited to see us. You could tell by the look on his face. It was so awesome.

After we gave our xoxo's to Kyle and he introduced us to a couple of people, we headed to his barracks and saw where he slept, and did his bathroom business (gross, by the way!). After that we had some lunch and visited. He showed us around the base- where he trained for different things. That place is huge! It was great seeing all of the places he'd been challenged and to see the end result and how he overcame it all- something to be proud of, for sure!

After the 6 hours rushed by, Kyle said his goodbyes and the new Marines went to the Peatross Parade Deck and watched them practice for graduation (which is tomorrow at 9 a.m).

With all of that said- we're exhausted! We came home and basically collapsed on our beds- then stuffed our face with snacks until Dan went to pick up Applebee's to go for us. Then we stuffed our faces some more, I took my bath and now I'm here! So very thankful for a marvelous day with our brand new Marine!

Let me just say- there is something totally incredible about seeing a platoon walk in formation- not a fresh, new platoon, (we saw a few of those and bless their hearts, they were all over the place), I mean a "veteran" platoon. It's so crisp and slick- it's something to see, truly. It made sevaral of us emotional just to see Kyle in formation with everyone. Kyle even said at one point today that it shouldn't be called "boot camp" it should be called "drill camp". He said he HATED drill. They beat it into your head that you do it without thinking, kind of.

Proud doesn't even begin to cover it! All praise goes to Christ through all of this. He saw Kyle through to the finish line and now, Kyle has made something of himself and will always be a part of a brotherhood.

My cup runneth over, y'all!

Till' tomorrow--Semper Fi.

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