Sunday, March 24, 2013


I'm married.

Did you hear me? I'm MARRIED. What the hay?

Yep, March 13, I married my BFF and I could not be happier. Well, actually, yeah I could. If Kyle were actually HOME. That's right. Less than a week after Kyle and I married, he left for North Carolina and will be there for the next 10 weeks. So much for being newlyweds. We still are, but it's like a long distance newlyweds thing. It's weird. Our phones are all we have, so that will have to do. I can visit him eventually, I'm just not sure when.

He's been gone almost a week now. I told him the past week had actually gone by a lot faster than I thought it would. Probably because we've been able to talk and even face time a couple of times. :) So, you can understand why our phones are all we have. It definitely beats writing letters two or three times a week. Wanna talk about life sucking? Go 3 months without speaking or seeing your significant other. It was hard, but we got through it.

I'm hoping mine and Kyle's lives will begin to fall into place. After North Carolina he will go to Chesapeake, Virginia for 6 weeks and then he will get his orders and be stationed somewhere. No leave time between any of that. At some point we will have an actual wedding to celebrate our marriage with family and friends. Then we will move me to wherever he is and really begin our lives as a married couple. I hope the transition into married life as well as a new home, and most likely a new state, and quite possibly a new part of the country.... goes smoothly. I know there will be times of stress and I'll be homesick at some point, but I feel like as long as Kyle is with me I will be fine. Being without him hurts my heart and I don't feel whole without him.

I would like to say that marriage is all I had ever hoped for. But, Kyle and I haven't truly experienced marriage together yet. But, for the past 2 weeks, I'm the happiest I've ever been. Kyle and I may not be physically together, but our hearts are always together (cue the gag noises). I know I'm corny, but it's the way I feel.

He truly is my BFF. I couldn't imagine life with anyone else. I love him and would do anything and everything for him. I can't wait to pick out our first home together, to move in together, to wake up every morning together, to eat dinner together, to watch movies together, to have babies together....

Well, that last one can wait a little while. But, you catch my drift. I want to live and love life with him for as long as God keeps us on this planet. I love my husband. :)

Our marriage certificate!

Our first night as husband and wife! 

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