Friday, March 15, 2013

Time Flies

Kyle has been home almost a week now and the days, hours, minutes, and seconds have truly flown by right before our eyes. For those of you who want to know Kyle's plans for the next few months, here they are: He will leave Monday and report to Jacksonville, North Carolina for 12 weeks where he will be in SOI (School of Infantry). He will then go straight to Chesapeake, Virginia for 6 weeks to train for his MOS (his job). After, he will be stationed somewhere and at some point-we will get married and have our ceremony.

I couldn't have asked for a better week. Though our time has been spent rushing around, doing errands, and taking care of business before Kyle leaves, it's still been nice to have him around. In the car with me, holding hands, or just sitting beside him at a restaurant. I've really cherished every moment with him. Kyle told me in a letter before he came home that he was going to be a "Rachel hog" when he got home. So, no complaints here! After all, I AM his bride to be. :) I've certainly shared my Kyle time with others though. Every night we have gotten together with a friend, family members, etc. As long as I am with Kyle, I don't care who we see or where we go.

This time has been weird, though. This is the last time Kyle will actually "live" here- if that makes sense? He will be able to come home on the weekends, but he obviously won't do that every week. Maybe once or twice, if that. After Virginia, he will be based somewhere. He won't come home to Carrollton. Kind of strange to think about. But exciting at the same time, because we will start our lives together-on our own.

I'm very thankful for the time I've had with Kyle-though it has passed too quickly. Hoping this weekend will slow down a bit so we can spend some quality time together.

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